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2 Views · 14 days ago

ইসলামী সংগীতের সুনামধন্য প্রতিষ্ঠান কলরব । যা প্রতিভা বিকাশে অনন্য । আপনার আশপাশে সুমধুর কন্ঠের অধিকারী মেধাবী শিশু প্রতিভা থাকলে যোগাযোগ করুন । আমরা তার প্রতিভা মেলে ধরবো কোটি মানুষের সামনে । (দরিদ্র হলেও সমস্যা নেই) - 01711245157

Song : Elo Mahe Ramadan
Singer : Kamrul Islam, Siyam Safwan & Others
Lyric : Hossain Noor
Tune : Muhammad Badruzzaman
Record Label : Holy Tune Studio
Sound Design : Khizir Muhammad
Video Edit : Abu Taher
Mentor : Sayed Ahmad & Muhammad Badruzzaman


আসসালামু আলাইকুম প্রিয় ভিউয়ারস, উন্নত এবং সুন্দর ভিডিও মেকিং এর জন্য স্পন্সর এবং ডোনেশন একটা ফ্যাক্ট । আমাদের আয়োজনগুলো তৈরিতে এর শুন্যতা ভীষণ । আল্লাহর রহমত, নিজেদের প্রচেষ্টা এবং আপনাদের অব্যাহত ভালোবাসায় আমাদের এগিয়ে চলা । আশাকরি আপনার সুযোগ থাকলে ভিডিও তৈরিতে স্পন্সর অথবা ডোনেট করে এ পথচলাকে বেগবান করবেন ইনশাআল্লাহ । - 01611324761

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সহজ শর্তে অল্প খরচে হলিস্টেপ স্টুডিওতে ইসলামী সঙ্গীতের অডিও ভিডিও
তৈরির সুযোগ | এছাড়াও কম খরচে ভর্তির বিজ্ঞপ্তিসহ সবধরণের বিজ্ঞাপন রেকর্ড করা হয় |
যোগাযোগ : 01912 123018

#এলো_মাহে_রমাদান #রমজানের_গজল
#2025_সালের_রমজানের_নতুন_গজল #holytune
#গজল #রমজানের_নতুন_গজল #mahe_ramadan

* ANTI-PIRACY WARNING * This content is Copyright to Holy Tune. Any unauthorized reproduction, redistribution or re-upload is strictly prohibited from this material. Legal action will be taken against those who violate the copyright of the following material presented!

All rights reserved by Holy Tune. This Visual and Audio Element is Copyrighted Content of Holy Tune Any Unauthorized Publishing is Strictly Prohibited

3 Views · 14 days ago

Shopnodhara & ShopnoTour presents Bengali Drama "ওয়াজ ফ্যামেলি - Waz Family". Story & Direction: Adi Basi Mizan.
Enjoy the full drama with your family and let us know your feedback!!

To Get New Drama Subscribe Now: @housefullentertainment

Drama: Waz Family - ওয়াজ ফ্যামেলি
Story, Screenplay & Direction : Adi Basi Mizan
Cast : Tonmoy Sohel, Manoshi Prokrity, Shamima Nazneen, Belal Ahmed Murad, Abdul Mukit Opi, Sharmin Shormi, Sabina Yesmin Rony, Nahid Sultana Eva, Ali Ahmed Majed, Hasan & many more.
Cinematographer : Md Sujon
Edit & Color : Shafi Ahmed
Background Music : Apple Mahmud Emil
Poster Design : Needleart
Producer : Masud Ur Rashid
Language: Bengali
Label: Housefull Entertainment

Housefull Entertainment is a YouTube channel that has become a favorite destination for Bangla Natok fans, with a wide range of dramas catering to different tastes Housefull Entertainment's commitment to providing quality entertainment is reflected in their well-written and produced Natok no well a Bangla drama enthusiasts For this will be a preferred platform

Facebook Page:

This content is Copyright to Housefull Entertainment. Any unauthorized reproduction, redistribution or re-upload is strictly prohibited from this material. Legal action will be taken against those who violate the copyright of the following material presented!

#ওয়াজফ্যামেলি #tonmoysohel

2 Views · 14 days ago

"Holy waz Tv" is an Islamic waz Platform.

Sponsor and Business Inquiries:
Email : [email protected]
Whatsapp : 01614786601

আমাদের চ্যানেলের ভিডিও গুলো ভালো লাগলে Like, Comment & Share করে ইসলাম প্রচারে শরীক হবেন ।

নতুন নতুন ওয়াজ পেতে চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBER করে পাশের বেল আইকন টি বাজিয়ে দিবেন, যেন নতুন ওয়াজ আপলোড করার সাথে সাথে আপনি সবার আগে দেখতে পান ।

🔹চ্যানেল টি, আখাউড়া, ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়ার
🔹হলি ওয়াজ টিভি
🔹Holy waz TV

Address : Akhaura, Brahmanbaria
Phone Number : 01614786601

1 Views · 14 days ago

শেষ জামানায় যে ভয়ংকর ঘটনা ঘটবে শুনলে অবাক হবেন ll আবু ত্বহা মোহাম্মদ আদনান Abu Taha Muhammad Adnan

1 Views · 14 days ago

রমজানের ওয়াজ ২০২৫। Mizanur Rahman Azhari New Waz । মিজানুর রহমান আজহারির রমজানের ওয়াজ ২০২৫ মিজানুর রহমান আজহারির এই রমজানের সেরা ওয়াজ | Ramadan Waz 2025 | Azhari Ramadan New Waz 2025 আজহারী রমজানের সেরা ওয়াজ ২০২৫ | রমজানের ওয়াজ | ramadan waz | mizanur rahman azhari ramadan waz 2025 রমজানে দোয়া কবুলের আমল মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী। Azhari Ramadan Waz | Mizanur rahman Azhari New Waz 2025 রমজানের ওয়াজ মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী - Mizanur Rahman Azhari Waz | মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী নতুন ওয়াজ রোজার নিয়ম কানুন সম্পর্কে ওয়াজ করলেন মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী | Rojar Waz | Mizanur Rahman Azhari আজহারী রমাজানের সেরা ওয়াজ | mizanur rahman azhari Ramadan new waz | মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী নতুন ওয়াজ

রমজানে দোয়া কবুলের আমল মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী,Azhari Ramadan Waz,Ramadan,Ramadan Waz 2025,Radaman Waz Mizanur Rahman Azhari,Ramadan NEw Waz Azhari,Azhari,Azhari Waz 2025,রমজানের নতুন ওয়াজ,রমজান,রমজান ২০২৫,রমজানের ওয়াজ মিজানুর রহমান আযহারী,আজহাড়ি ওয়াজ,ওয়াজ ২০২৫,Azhari Ramadan New Waz 2025,আজহারীর রোজার ওয়াজ ২০২৫,Mizanur Rahman Azhari Ramadan New Waz 2025,Ramadan 2025,ramadan,Azhari 2025,Ramadan New Waz,Mizanur Rahman Azhari,Azhari rojar waz,Ramadan 2025 Waz

1 Views · 14 days ago

বাচ্চা হাতি | Kids Animation Stories Bangla | Kids Cartoon | Baccha Hati #babyelephant #elephant

As a policy to create Quality animation videos for children to entertain and educate the kids. It's one of the awesome Animation movies made for kids. whether you are in the mood for comedy, a musical or an Adventure, There is Something here for everyone, that leaves with an Important message. This animated movie is Captivated by all kids. Our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating 3D animation. For more updates subscribe...

#baccha_hati #cartoon #babyelephant #elephant #elephantcartoon #animation #kids #kidsvideo #kidssong #kidsstories #bangla #cartoons #cartoonvideo #new #story #song #storytime #animals #anime #bengali #jungle #fairytales #cartoonforkid #moralstories #bengalicartoonvideo #newstory #bedtimestories #bedtimestory #moralstories #moralstory #rabbit #rabbits

Watch Now !

►মুরগী মায়ের বাচ্ছা | Bangla Cartoon Story | Choto Natkhat Vol 1 | Murgi Ma Mache

►ছোট নাটখট | Bangla Cartoon Story | Full Movie | Choto Natkhat Vol 1

► Top 5 Stories | Kids Animation Stories Bangla | Kids Cartoon | Bengali Cartoon Stories

►ভোলা মোরগ | Bengali Rhymes | Bangla Cartoon Song | Bhola Morog

►চটির জন্য ছাতা | Bangla Cartoon Song | Choto Natkhat Vol 1 | Choti Jonno Chata

►দাঁতাল হাতী | Bengali Rhymes | Bangla Cartoon Song | Daantal Hathi

►একের পিছনে এক | Bangla Cartoon Song | Choto Natkhat Vol 1 | Eker Pechone Ek

►ছোটো নাকটের ছোট বাঁদর | Bangla Cartoon Story | Choto Natkhat Vol 1 | Choto Natkhat Ar Choto Bandor

►আট টা ডিম রোজ খায় | Bangla Cartoon Song | Kids Cartoon Song | Aat Ta Dim Roj Khaye

►চামচ গেলো কই | Bangla Cartoon Song | Kids Cartoon Song | Chamoch Gelo Koi

►এক সময় ছিলো এক বেড়াল | Bengali Rhymes | Bangla Cartoon Song | Ek Shomoy Chilo Ek Beral

Producer : Sargam Baiju
Created by: Twist Digital Media
Content owner: Sargam Musics
Directed By: Shajin Vembayam
Creative Supervision: G.S Manoj Kumar
Production coordinator
Ashli O
Editing: Rakesh.S
Animatic : Kiran V R
Mixing & Effects: Anil Arabhi Studio Inn & Ajith G.Krishnan
Animators: Adharsh V.M,Sreejith Rocky,Rajeeve.S,George Thomas,Arun Raj,Swetha phalgunan, Prince L,,Athul Dinesh.
Character, BG Modelling & Texturing, Vishnu Prabhakar
Matte Painter: Hareesh Nettirachira
VFX ,LIGHTING & COMPOSTING: Arun deepu S.J, Arun Krishna K.S, Syam, Sam. A, Rahul.R, Sarath, Rejith Kumar, Sabseer

1 Views · 14 days ago

টক আম মিষ্টি আম | Tok Am Misti Am | মাটির ঘরে সংসার | Matir Ghore Songsar | Bangla Cartoon | Thakurmar Jhuli | Pakhir Golpo | Golpo | Tuntuni Golpo

► Parental guidance: Some material of this video may not be suitable for children’s Below 13 years of age.

Tuntuni cartoon bangla Channel and all of its videos are not “directed to children” within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. § 312.2 of CHILDREN'S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (USA) are not intended for children under 13 years of age. Tuntuni cartoon bangla CHANNEL and its owner(s), agents, representatives, and employees do not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly deny permission to any third party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of this CHANNEL. Further, Tuntuni cartoon bangla CHANNEL denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of YouTube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third party, regarding data

#banglacartoon #cartoon #fairytales #toontooni #tuntunigolpo #tuntunircartoon #টুনটুনির_কার্টুন #animalcartoon #tuntuni cartoon bangla

1 Views · 14 days ago

This Bengali Rhymes for Children collection features all the famous traditional kid's songs including Khoka Gelo, Oi Ajagar, Tai Tai Tai Mamar, Ikdi Mikdi, Aam Pata Jora Jora, Kathbirali, Agdum Bagdum, Tatir Bari, Khokon Khokon, Aaire Pakhi Lej, Adur Badur ChaltaHattimatim Tim and Kukur.

For more information, visit,

1 Views · 14 days ago

We have a nursery rhyme, song, video or game for every occasion here at Kids Rhymes. With home to many cartoon 2D and 3D characters, we are a preschooler's best friend. A school away from school we make our videos not just to please the toddler but also to educate him/her with new concepts, skills, and ideas. We take kindergarten a step further with an in-depth understanding of a preschoolers comprehension, cognitive development, motor skills, language acquisition, executive functions, self-concept, identity development and moral values.

Visit our website for more Children’s Nursery Rhymes & Kids Videos

#hindi #poem #hindirhyme #hindikavita #kidspoem #inhindi #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #hindi #hindirhymes #hindipoems #babysongs #poems #kavita #inhindi #india #hindibalgeet #balgeet #gaane #kahaniya #hindikahani #hindistories #childrensong #kidssongs #videoforkids #rhyme #nurseryrhyme #nimbookids #nimbookidsindia #india

Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Digital™
Video: Copyright USP Digital™

1 Views · 14 days ago

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In this episode of Gopal Bhar, we will get know about an uncertain demand by the Nawab. He has asked Raja Krishnachandra to sent a man from his royal court for his service. However, Gopal was given the responsibility for meeting the demands of Nawab! Want to know more? Find out all here!

Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal , Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali

#gopalbharfunnyclips #sonyaath #doublegopalbhar

About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.

Click to watch all the episodes of Gopal Bhar -

যেমন বলবেন হুজুর | Gopal Bhar (Bengali) | Double Gopal

2 Views · 14 days ago

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Using the premise that every man utters the truth on his deathbed, Faisal Seikh is arrested as the suspect in Chirang's death. While everyone took that piece of information as undisputed evidence in establishing that Faisal is the culprit, Pathak's unique way of thinking opens the doors to some unexplored sides of the case.

Show Name: Adaalat
Episode: 84
Cast: Ronit Roy , Anand Goradia , Romit Raj
Directed By : Udayan Pradeep , Suleman Quadri , Rajesh Ranshing , Pawan Kaul
Produced By : Abhimanyu Singh , Rupali Singh

#kdpathak #crime #adaalat #ronitroy #আদালত

About Adaalat (Bengali):
Adaalat is a courtroom drama series that chronicles the journey of KD Pathak, a defense attorney, as he solves one case after the other with his sheer brilliance. When all else fails, only the eloquence and downright genius investigative skills of KD Pathak can deliver justice to the innocents. KD Pathak has never lost a case and never has he let an innocent be convicted of a crime. Though many prosecutors come close to cracking KD Pathak's code, it's the charismatic KD, who prevails in the end.

Click here to watch more interesting episodes:

Adaalat | আদালত | Ep 84 | 1 Mar 2025 | Full Episode

1 Views · 14 days ago

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The wicked Prince is planning a trick that he wants to play on the Maharaja. He wants to play the Maharaja in his own palace and take over his province. Puchke is down with a fever and his mom is trying his best for the past 2 days for his fever to go down, but it doesn't. Not being able to bear the sight, his elder sister runs to Gopal and tells him to help them out! How can Gopal help them?

Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal, Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali

#gopalbhar #গোপালভাঁড় #funtimewithgopal

About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.

Click to watch all the episodes of Fun Time With Gopal -

ডোলর কান্দল | Fun Time With Gopal | Gopal Bhar

1 Views · 14 days ago

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In this episode of Gopal Bhar, we will get to know that Senapati was provided with the responsibility to trap the tiger which has entered the village. However, the Senapati got scared while searching the tiger and came back to the palace thinking that he is putting his life at stake! Want to know what excuses he made in front of Raja Krishnachandra? What will Raja Krishnachandra do now? Find out all here!

Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal , Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali

#gopalbharfunnyclips #sonyaath #doublegopalbhar

About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.

Click to watch all the episodes of Gopal Bhar -

বাঘের মুখো মুখি সেনাপতি-২ | Gopal Bhar (Bengali) | Double Gopal

2 Views · 14 days ago

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Using the premise that every man utters the truth on his deathbed, Faisal Seikh is arrested as the suspect in Chirang's death. While everyone took that piece of information as undisputed evidence in establishing that Faisal is the culprit, Pathak's unique way of thinking opens the doors to some unexplored sides of the case.

Show Name: Adaalat
Episode: 85
Cast: Ronit Roy , Anand Goradia , Romit Raj
Directed By : Udayan Pradeep , Suleman Quadri , Rajesh Ranshing , Pawan Kaul
Produced By : Abhimanyu Singh , Rupali Singh

#kdpathak #crime #adaalat #ronitroy #আদালত

About Adaalat (Bengali):
Adaalat is a courtroom drama series that chronicles the journey of KD Pathak, a defense attorney, as he solves one case after the other with his sheer brilliance. When all else fails, only the eloquence and downright genius investigative skills of KD Pathak can deliver justice to the innocents. KD Pathak has never lost a case and never has he let an innocent be convicted of a crime. Though many prosecutors come close to cracking KD Pathak's code, it's the charismatic KD, who prevails in the end.

Click here to watch more interesting episodes:

Adaalat | আদালত | Ep 85 | 2 Mar 2025 | Full Episode

1 Views · 14 days ago

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Episode 170 - গুলতেমামার ভদ্রলোক
গুল্টেমামা শুনলো পাড়ার গজেনবাবু খুব অসুস্থ। তার একমাত্র মেয়ে টুংকুবালা। গজেনবাবুর অসুস্থতার কথা শুনেই গুল্টেমামার মনটা খারাপ হয়ে গেলো। কিন্তু এই মন খারাপ গজেনবাবুর জন্য না, বরং তার মেয়ে টুংকুবালার জন্য। গজেনবাবু মারা গেলে তার মেয়ের কী হবে? গজেনবাবু ভেবেছিলেন, মেয়ের বিয়ে দেবেন এক ভদ্রলোক ছেলের সঙ্গে। সঙ্গে সঙ্গে গুল্টেমামা 'কচুরিপানা' ফুল নিয়ে ছুটলেন গজেনবাবুর বাড়ি। গজেনবাবুর কাছে প্রস্তাব দিলেন টুংকুবালাকে বিয়ে করবেন। গজেনবাবু কি রাজি হবেন?

Gultemama heard that Gajenbabu of the neighborhood is very sick. His only daughter is Tunkubala. Hearing about Gajenbabu's illness, Gultemama felt sad. But this sadness was not for Gajenbabu, but for his daughter Tunkubala. What would happen to his daughter if Gajenbabu died? Gajenbabu thought that he would marry his daughter to a gentleman. Immediately, Gultemama ran to Gajenbabu's house with 'Kachuripana' flowers. He proposed to Gajenbabu to marry Tunkubala. Will Gajenbabu agree?

Show Name – Gulte Mama
Episode No – 170


About Gulte Mama:
In Galadpur, a small town in West Bengal, lives the 40-year-old Gulte Mama, who loves to talk and gossip all day with his friends Ghoton, Bhendi and Panchu. With his tricks usually backfiring, Gulte Mama often finds himself at loggerheads with the school headmaster Natu Babu.

Click here to watch all episodes of Gulte Mama :
• Gulte Mama | Full Episodes

গুলতেমামার ভদ্রলোক | Gentleman | Ep 170 | Gulte Mama

2 Views · 14 days ago

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The King and the Queen are talking to each other in their garden. The king shares his view regarding his minister and Gopal being a nemesis to each other. The Queen suggests the king, to give both them a task which would require them to take help from each other.

Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal, Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali

#gopalbhar #গোপালভাঁড় #funtimewithgopal

About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.

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মাহারানী-র পরামর্শ | Fun Time With Gopal | Gopal Bhar

2 Views · 14 days ago

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Gopal narrates the story of a spooky encounter with a ghost.

Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By: Sourav Mondal, Hansa Mondal
Written By: Hansa Mondal
Original language: Bengali
Episode No: 1132

#gopalbhar #sonyaath #গোপালভর

About Gopal Bhar:
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him as a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.

Click to watch all the episodes of Gopal Bhar -

গল্পের ভূত বাড়িতে | Gopal Bhar | Episode - 1132

1 Views · 14 days ago

🎥 The Best Adventure Movie | A perilous journey leads to a legend | Full Movie in English HD

🎥 Journey to the Forbidden Valley

🔶 In a remote and perilous part of the world, a young boy and his guardian find themselves stranded in a hidden valley, with no means of escape. As they wait for rescue, their survival instincts are tested by the unforgiving wilderness around them. The real danger, however, lies in the mysterious Yeren — a creature that is both elusive and deadly.

🔶 This ape-man, known for its strength and intelligence, stalks the valley, a terrifying enigma that seems to be watching their every move. As the days pass, the boy and his guardian are forced to confront not only the challenges of survival but also the growing presence of the Yeren, whose intentions remain shrouded in mystery.

🔶 Tension mounts as they try to navigate the valley's dangers while uncovering the secrets that lie hidden in its depths. Is the Yeren a guardian of the valley, or a malevolent force? Their journey to safety becomes a race against time as they must outsmart both nature and the unknown creature that haunts them.

Director: Ethan Wiley
Cast: Sasha Jackson, Erroll Shand, Douglas Tait
Genres: Action, Adventure, Family
Studio: Wiseacre Films

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SURIYA & Sreeleela Full Action Hindi Dubbed Movie | Course | Latest South Indian School Movie 2025

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Directed by: Ayan Mukerji

Written by: Ayan Mukerji

Starring: Ranbir Kapoor
Alia Bhatt
Amitabh Bachchan
Nagarjuna Akkineni
Mouni Roy
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