
2 Views · 29 minutes ago

Watch the superhit new Tamil movie Bangla dubbed 2024 "#hellogurupremakosame | #প্রেম_করেছি_করবই_তো (Prem Korechi Korboi Toh)" directed by Trinadha Rao Nakkina and starring #rampothineni #prakashraj #pranithasubhash #anupamaparameswaran and many more.

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2 Views · 5 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Hredoy Gohine (হৃদয় গহীনে)
Story & Screenplay : Lutfor Rahman Rasel
Starring : Tawsif Mahbub, Tanjin Tisha, Nurul Islam, Imran Ikram, Shafrina Khatun & many more.
Crematogapher : Sani & Borno
Direction : Borno Chakroborty
Photography : Rubayed Hasan Rony & Prottoy
Edit & colour : Borno Chakroborty


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2 Views · 26 minutes ago

Watch the Full Movie 'Puff Daddy' on bongo, visit:
Presenting of Bongo Original Bangla new movie 2024, "#puffdaddy (মুড়িবাবা)"! Directed by Shahid Un Nabi & Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu, starring #porimoni, #shajalnoor, Azad Abul Kalam and more.

Movie Title: Puff Daddy (মুড়িবাবা)
Story: Mehedi Hasan
Directed by: Shahid Un Nabi & Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu
Produced by: BONGO & V3 communications Ltd.

Main Cast: Azad Abul Kalam, Shajal Noor, Porimoni, Faruk Ahmed, Intekhab Dinar, Bijori Barkatullah, Shahiduzzaman Selim and Yusuf Rasel.
Story Supervision: Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu, Zahid Ahmed
Line Producer: Sazzad Hossain Titas & Yeassir Arafat
Post Production Manager: Anup Kumar Biswas
Director of Photography (DOP): Ridoy Sarkar
Editors: Russel Panna & Saddam Bin Yeasin
Music: Avraal Sahir
Colorist: HM Sohel
Hair Styler: Rakhi
Make-up Artist: Al Emran
Set Designer: Anusha Simran
Co-ordinator: Shafiquzzaman Dipok
Executive Producer: Mohammad Ali Haider
Publicity Design: Sajjadul Islam Sayeem (YFVFX) & NAX Nish (NISH G’FIX)

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#puffdaddymovie #puffdaddycinema #webfilm #newmovie2024 #মুড়িবাবা #bongo #azadabulkalam #shajalnoormovie #porimonimovie #porimonimovie2024 #porimoninewmovie2024 #farukahmed #intekhabdinar #shahiduzzamanselim #crime #thriller #actionmovie #পরীমনির #পরীমনি

#newbanglamovie #banglacinema2025 #bengalimovierelease #latestbanglamovie #banglafilm #mustwatchbanglamovie #topbanglamovies #hitbanglafilm #বাংলা_ছবি #বাংলা_সিনেমা #বাংলা_চলচ্চিত্র #bangladeshicinema #banglaentertainment #bengaliculture #desimovie #banglanotunmovie #banglamovie2025 #movie #newmovie #banglachobi

2 Views · 19 minutes ago

Taptap Send presents the Bongo original Bangla new natok 2025 #gyanigoni (জ্ঞানী গনি) , starring #sarafahmedzibon #sallhakhanamnadia Adiath Zaman Ayan, Anwar Shahi, Saroar Mim, Shahadat Sisir, Mahmud Alam, Nazmul Haque, and more! Get ready for an entertaining story filled with laughter and drama.

জ্ঞান দিয়েই কি সব সমস্যার সমাধান হয়ে যাবে? নাকি সবকিছু ওলটপালট হয়ে যাবে? গনির গল্পে মিলবে উত্তর। জানতে হলে দেখতে হবে নাটক "জ্ঞানী গনি" , শুধুমাত্র Bongo ইউটিউব-এ।

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গণি, পেশায় একজন অটো মেকানিক। গ্রামের সবাই তার বুদ্ধি ও যুক্তির প্রশংসায় পঞ্চমুখ। কিন্তু হঠাৎ সে তার স্ত্রীকে জীবনের বাস্তবতা শেখাতে এক অভিনব কৌশল অবলম্বন করে। কি কৌশল নিয়েছে গণি?

Goni, a village auto mechanic, is known far and wide for his wisdom and logical thinking. But suddenly, he decides to teach his wife a harsh lesson about life's realities using a rather unconventional method. What exactly did Goni do?

Directed by: Emran Emon
Story & Screenplay: Shahajada Shahed

Cinematography: Shafiqul Alam Shanat
Editing & Color: Saiduzzaman Sohel
Background Music: Rokib Hasan
Assistant Directors:
Chief AD: Murtaza Mamun
AD: Lipon Islam Surzo
Apprentice AD: Ahnaf Tahmid Aurnob
Still Photographer: Sizu Shahriar
Line Producer: Sikder Diamond
Art Direction: Team Cinetile Productions
Make-up: Nabab Makeover
Operations: Farhana Ali, Md. Sazzad Hosen (Titas), Golam Istiak
Executive Producers: Sufian Raihan
Chief Marketing Officer: Joon Park
Head of Content: Mohammad Ali Haider
Chief Content Officer: Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu

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#জ্ঞানী_গনি #anwarshahi #saroarmim #shahadatsisir #zibon #zibonnatok #zibonnewnatok #nadianatok #nadianewnatok #gyanigonifullnatok #gyanigonifulldrama #zibon #zibonnatok #nadianatok #zibonernatok #zibonnewnatok

2 Views · 5 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Hoyni Bola (হয়নি বলা)
Starring : Ziaul Faruq Apurba, Sharlin Farzana, Anondo Khaled, Rimi Karim, Shikha Khan & many more.
Cinematographer : Biswajit Dutta
Screenplay & Direction : Mizanur Rahman Ariyan
Edit & Color : Jobayer Abir Pial
Background Music : Tahsin Ahmed


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2 Views · 5 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Oboseshe Tumi Ami (অবশেষে তুমি আমি)
Story : Adif Hasan
Dialogue: Akash Pau
Starring : Shagor Mirza, Riya Chowdhury, Mafuzur Rashid, Shashi Afroz, Nishu, Nobin Hasan, and many more.
Cinematographer : Hasan Jewel
Edit & Color : Shakib Mirza
Direction : Adif Hasan
Background Music : Anirudh Shuvo

#riyachowdhurynatok thanks for watching!!!

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360 Drama
1 Views · 1 hour ago

Say No To বিয়ে | New Bangla Natok 2025 | Shamim Hasan Sarkar & Samanta Parveg | 360 Drama

🔸 A fun and emotional drama about love, relationships, and the meaning of marriage! Don’t miss out!

📌 Subscribe to 360 Drama for more entertainment: @360dramabd

Drama : Say No To বিয়ে
Director : Shahid Un Nabi
Script : Oroni Megh
Cast : Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Samanta Parveg, Sini Snigdha, Shelly Ahsan, Samantha Kabir, Durdana Jimi, Meghla & Many More.
Directorial Team : Mahmudul Hasan & Amit Hasan
Cinematographer: Kamruzzaman Tumon & Forkan Uddin
Edit: Shahadat Hossain
BGM: Golam Rabbi Shohag
Publicity Design : Rakib Hossen Abir
Executive Producer : Topu Khan

Producer : Harichh Mohammad
Label : 360 Drama

Facebook Page:
Tiktok :

360 Drama has the sole rights to all contents and it does not give permission to any business entity or individual to use these contents except 360 Drama. This Channel is Based on Entertainment. Every single piece of content is created by the 360 Drama NCA & Program team and managed by the 360 Drama Digital team. And if needed Third-Party materials were also being used with specific authorization and permission to use this on YouTube.

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This channel may use some copyrighted materials without specific authorization of the owner but contents used here fall under the “Fair Use” as described in The Copyright Act 2000 Law No. 28 of the year 2000 of Bangladesh under Chapter 6, Section 36, and Chapter 13 Section 72. According to that law, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

#সেনোটোবিয়ে #shamim_hasan_sarkar

360 Drama
1 Views · 1 hour ago

"Biye Vangar Por" is a hilarious yet heartfelt drama that explores the chaos, confusion, and comedy that follow a broken marriage. Packed with unexpected twists, witty moments, and emotional turns, this story takes you on a rollercoaster ride of love, regret, and second chances. Directed by Shahid Un Nabi and featuring a stellar cast including Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Tania Brishty, and Asif Noor, it’s a perfect blend of laughter and drama.

Don’t miss out—watch exclusively on 360 Drama for an entertaining journey full of fun and emotions! 🎭😂🔥

Drama : Biye Vangar Por | বিয়ে ভাঙার পর
Director : Shahid Un Nabi
Script : Moshiur Rahman
Directorial Team : Mahmudul Hasan & Amit Hasan
Cast : Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Tania Brishty, Asif Noor, Samanta Parveg, Al Mansoor Balal, Kamrunnahar Ruma & Many More.
Publicity Design : Rakib Hossen Abir
Executive Producer : Topu Khan

Producer : Harichh Mohammad
Label : 360 Drama

Facebook Page:
Tiktok :

360 Drama has the sole rights to all contents and it does not give permission to any business entity or individual to use these contents except 360 Drama. This Channel is Based on Entertainment. Every single piece of content is created by the 360 Drama NCA & Program team and managed by the 360 Drama Digital team. And if needed Third-Party materials were also being used with specific authorization and permission to use this on YouTube.

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This channel may use some copyrighted materials without specific authorization of the owner but contents used here fall under the “Fair Use” as described in The Copyright Act 2000 Law No. 28 of the year 2000 of Bangladesh under Chapter 6, Section 36, and Chapter 13 Section 72. According to that law, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

#বিয়েভাঙারপর #shamim_hasan_sarkar

360 Drama
1 Views · 1 hour ago

Don’t miss out on "Shopner Purush" on 360 Drama! With an amazing cast including Tawsif Mahbub, Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Tania Brishty, and Samanta Parveg, this natok is packed with heartfelt moments, laughter, and unforgettable drama. Watch now to experience a story full of emotions, twists, and top-notch performances. Stay tuned to 360 Drama for an amazing viewing experience!

Subscribe for new content: @360dramabd

Drama : Shopner Purush | স্বপ্নের পুরুষ
Director : Shahid Un Nabi
Script : Moshiur Rahman
Directorial Team : Mahmudul Hasan & Amit Hasan
Cast : Tawsif Mahbub, Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Tania Brishty, Samanta Parveg, Shelly Ahsan, Shafiqur Rahman Dilu & Many More.
Publicity Design : Rakib Hossen Abir

Producer : Harichh Mohammad
Label : 360 Drama

Facebook Page:
Tiktok :

360 Drama has the sole rights to all contents and it does not give permission to any business entity or individual to use these contents except 360 Drama. This Channel is Based on Entertainment. Every single piece of content is created by the 360 Drama NCA & Program team and managed by the 360 Drama Digital team. And if needed Third-Party materials were also being used with specific authorization and permission to use this on YouTube.

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This channel may use some copyrighted materials without specific authorization of the owner but contents used here fall under the “Fair Use” as described in The Copyright Act 2000 Law No. 28 of the year 2000 of Bangladesh under Chapter 6, Section 36, and Chapter 13 Section 72. According to that law, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

#স্বপ্নেরপুরুষ #tawsifnewnatok

360 Drama
1 Views · 1 hour ago

Get ready for a laughter-packed journey with "Bhaier Biye", a hilarious comedy that revolves around the chaos, quirks, and surprises leading up to a brother’s wedding. Directed by Shahid Un Nabi and scripted by Moshiur Rahman, this natok features Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Chashi Alam, and Samanta Parveg in side-splitting roles. Released on 360 Drama, it's a perfect dose of humor and entertainment for the whole family. Don’t miss the fun!

Drama : Bhaier Biye | ভাইয়ের বিয়ে
Director : Shahid Un Nabi
Script : Moshiur Rahman
Directorial Team : Mahmudul Hasan & Amit Hasan
Cast : Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Chashi Alam, Samanta Parveg, Shelly Ahsan, Shafiqur Rahman Dilu & Many More.
Publicity Design : Rakib Hossen Abir
Executive Producer : Topu Khan

Producer : Harichh Mohammad
Label : 360 Drama

Facebook Page:
Tiktok :

360 Drama has the sole rights to all contents and it does not give permission to any business entity or individual to use these contents except 360 Drama. This Channel is Based on Entertainment. Every single piece of content is created by the 360 Drama NCA & Program team and managed by the 360 Drama Digital team. And if needed Third-Party materials were also being used with specific authorization and permission to use this on YouTube.

Fair Usage Policy:
This channel may use some copyrighted materials without specific authorization of the owner but contents used here fall under the “Fair Use” as described in The Copyright Act 2000 Law No. 28 of the year 2000 of Bangladesh under Chapter 6, Section 36, and Chapter 13 Section 72. According to that law, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

#ভাইয়েরবিয়ে #shamimhasansarkar

360 Drama
1 Views · 1 hour ago

Drama : Disco Bua | ডিস্কো বুয়া
Director : Shahid Un Nabi
Script : Moshiur Rahman
Directorial Team : Mahmudul Hasan & Amit Hasan
Cast : Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Tania Brishty, Samanta Parveg, Shelly Ahsan, Shafiqur Rahman Dilu & Many More.
Publicity Design : Rakib Hossen Abir

Producer : Harichh Mohammad
Label : 360 Drama

Facebook Page:
Tiktok :

360 Drama has the sole rights to all contents and it does not give permission to any business entity or individual to use these contents except 360 Drama. This Channel is Based on Entertainment. Every single piece of content is created by the 360 Drama NCA & Program team and managed by the 360 Drama Digital team. And if needed Third-Party materials were also being used with specific authorization and permission to use this on YouTube.

Fair Usage Policy:
This channel may use some copyrighted materials without specific authorization of the owner but contents used here fall under the “Fair Use” as described in The Copyright Act 2000 Law No. 28 of the year 2000 of Bangladesh under Chapter 6, Section 36, and Chapter 13 Section 72. According to that law, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

#ডিস্কোবুয়া #shamim_hasan_sarkar

Md Kamrul Hasan
1 Views · 1 hour ago


导演: 唐迪
编剧: 方艺霖 / 温鹂
主演: 向佐 / 贡米 / 唐晓天 / 洪浚嘉 / 涂黎曼
类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 科幻
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话

Jamco Entertainment
1 Views · 4 seconds ago

Watch Jamco Entertainment Latest Drama 'Durer Manush' Directed by Swaraj Deb.
Please Share With your Friends & Family. Bangla Natok “দূরের মানুষ - Durer Manush” is starring Abu Hurayra Tanvir, Rehnuma Alam Oishi and many others.

To Watch More Please Subscribe : @JamcoEntertainmentBD

Drama : দূরের মানুষ | Durer Manush
Script: Maruful Anam
Story & Direction: Swaraj Deb
Cast: Abu Hurayra Tanvir, Rehnuma Alam Oishi, Mili Bashar, Afridi Hasan Ayon & Many more.
DOP: Amir Hamza
Chief Ad: Abu Rayhan
Ad: Newaji Ajmery Tania
Edit: Md Nasir
Publicity Design: Rakib Hossen Abir
Producer : Kamrul Hasan Arian
Language : Bengali
Label : Jamco Entertainment

[A Production of Jamco Entertainment]

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#দূরেরমানুষ #swarajdeb

Md Kamrul Hasan
1 Views · 2 hours ago

MISSION PAKISTAN (2025) Akshay Kumar New Action Movie| 2025 Full Action New Release Blockbuster Film

1 Views · 5 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : The Knock (দ্যা নক)
Starring : Sabila Nur, Sudip Biswas, Nishat Priom, Anwar Hossain
Screenplay : Ami Aviman
Cinematographer : Asif Islam
Edit : Asif Islam
Color : Shamim Rahman Jewel
Direction : Asif Islam


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1 Views · 5 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Impossible Love (ইমপসিবল লাভ)
Starring : Irfan Sajjad, Sabnam Faria, Anondo Khaled, Peerjada Harun, Sanita, Iqbal, Rahman, Kabir and many more.
Script & Screenplay : Ahmed Kamal
Cinematographer : Jayed Hossen
Edit & Color : Shahdat Setu
Direction : Ahmed Kamal


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1 Views · 5 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Opekhar Tumi (অপেক্ষার তুমি)
Written By : Farhad Alam
Starring : Arosh Khan, Tania Brishty, Rasheda Rakhee, Shekh Mahabub Rahman, Sujat Shimul & many more.
Cinematographer : Furkan
Director : Tuhin Hosen
Edited By : Abdur Rahim

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1 Views · 5 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Ontorale (অন্তরালে)
Starring : Mushfiq R Farhan, Tasnia Farin, Nafa, Azad, Hredoy, Monir, Emma, Afreen, Pamir, Babu & many more.
Cinematographer : Farhad Hossain
Director : Rifat Adnan Papon
Edit : Raisul Islam Anik

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