Coke Studio Bangla
Coke Studio Bangla

Coke Studio Bangla



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Coke Studio Bangla
2 Views · 7 hours ago

Craze is #RealMagic

#bhoberpagol is the craze that is in all of us. The craze that sets us apart, sometimes they may be dubbed as the odd ones, but it is the uncommon and the outrageous dreams of our lives that makes this world truly magical. The Bhober Pagol in each of us, is the "MAGIC" in us.

The song ‘Pagol Chara Duniya Chole Na’ is collected from Bengali folk music and popularized by Lalon Band. The rap in the second part of the song is an original piece written by the Jalali Set and Mehedi Hasan Ansari describing the frenzied drive of humanity.

#cokestudiobangla curated & Produced by Shayan Chowdhury Arnob
Music composed and arranged by Shayan Chowdhury Arnob & Faizan Rashid Ahmad (Buno)

‘Pagol chara duniya chole na’ is collected from Bengali folk music
Jalali Rap written by Jalali Set
Shobai Pagol Rap written by K.M. Mehedi Hasan Ansari

Chief Sound Engineer: Faizan Rashid Ahmad (Buno)
Mixed & Mastered by Yash Divecha

Nigar Sultana Sumi - Vocals
Jalali Set- Vocals
Jalali Shafayat
Double S
Warda Ashraf- Vocals
Armeen Musa- Vocals
Jannatul Firdous Akbar- Vocals
Saadul Islam – Guitar
Imran Ahmed - Guitar
Shuvendu Das Shuvo - Guitar
Resalat Rasheed (Dhrubo) – Bass Guitar
Rahin Haider -Tenor Saxophone
Sayonton Mangsang - Alto Saxophone
Towfiq Arifin - Drums
Mithun Chakra – Percussions/ Tabla
Pradyut Chatterjea - Electric Piano/ Ektara
Shayan Chowdhury Arnob – Sub Synth/ Ektara
Adit Rahman - Keys/ Ektara


Creative Producer: Syed Gousul Alam Shaon
Project Lead: Jihad Bin Tahzeeb
Creative Lead: Mehedi Hasan Ansari & Jaiyyanul Huq
Strategy Lead: Bitop Das Gupta
Art Lead: Ahsan Ullah
Servicing: Martuza Jalal Antick, Tahania Islam Oshin
Art: Mijan Islam, Alefun Naher
Copywriter: Kazuki Kunimoto
Digital: Farsina Rahman, Naimul Hoque
Planning: Nakibur Rahman


Head of Audio: Faizan Rashid Ahmad (Buno)
Recording Engineer: Victor Das
Live Audio Engineer: Iftekhairul Alam Shuvo
Monitor & System Engineer: Shafayat Faisal (Nahid)
Audio Logistics by Blues Production
Voiceover: Armeen Musa

Project Coordinator & Co-Producer: Shamsur Rahman Alvy
Artist Manager: Mohammad Amzad
Artist Coordinator: Amit Pramanik

Creative Resource Consultant: Aniruddha Dasgupta, Anindya Sain


Director: Krishnendu Chattopadhyay
Consultant Director: Nishant Nayak
Director Of Photography: Kamrul H. Khosru
Associate Director: Qazi Rahat
Co-Producer: Rumel Chowdhury
Visual Executive Producer: Shawon Shibbir
Line Producer: Sobahan Naim

T. W. Sainik
Khair Khandakar
Abdul Mamun
Russell Parvez
Kawser Hamid

Hasib Shahrear
Azmery Kowsser Tushi
Aporajita Mustafa
Nazmul Ibne Azam
Will Hridoy
Rafia Mahjabeen Bushra
Zannatul Zaman Eshi
Asad Borhan

Editor: Bashar Georgis
Grade : Navin Shetty
Post-production Supervisor: Nazmul Ibne Azam & Aporajita Mustafa
Online Switching Team: Sharafat Prithu & Drohi R. (Ecube Inc.)
Online Edit: Rana Shikder
Online: Nazmul Hassan Topu
Cg: Backlit Communications

Styling & Costume: Nuzhat Khan Disha
Asst. Costume & Styling: Nusrat Srabony
Makeover: Persona

Light Designer: Shailesh Kalwar
Associate Light Designer: Jayesh Thakur
Asst. Light Designer: Mohammed Redwan Tonmoy
Zib Arm Operator: Juwel
Light Gaffer: MD Ikbal Hossain
Focus Puller: Mohiuddin Khan Rony, Md. Anayet Kabir, Md. Ajgor Ali, Rony Bawn, Mostafizur Rahman, S.M. Boshir Uddin
Dop Assistant: Md. Nur Alom & Md. Sohag Ali

Set Designer: Varsha Jain
Art Director: Razim Ahmed
Asst. Set Designer: Nikhil Suratwala
Asst. Set Designer: Khalil Shaikh
Set Making & Construction: Khorshed Alam & Team
Asst. Art Director: Ashik Ali Jacky
Asst. Art Director: Nazmul Hoque Chowdhury Munna
Prop Master: Abdul Ohab

Location: Deepto Television (Kazi Media Limited)
Camera House: Timeline, Sandbag, Celebration, Dot Vision, World Media, Right Point
Zib Arm: Jazz Multimedia

Accounts Executive: Tanvir Rison
Office Assistant: Supel Chakma
Production Controller: Shahin Alam

Director: Ibrahim Shoikot
Editor: Md. Reza-E-Rabbe Khan
Videographer: Hamim Ishtiaq, Md. Mahedi Hasan

Subtitle: Rai Ganguly, Kazuki Kunimoto, Srabanti Datta
Subtitler: Anupam Ghagra (Siesta Subtitle Solution)

Copyright Co-ordination: Mizanur Rahaman

Coke Studio Bangla
2 Views · 7 hours ago

#kothakoiyona #cokestudiobanglas2 #realmagic
#kothakoiyona is the sound of two hearts having a conversation – one is written by the modern urban poet Hashim Mahmud, while the other is an excerpt from the ancient folk ballad - Maimansingha Gitika – known as the Eastern Bengal Ballads in English, it is a collection of folk ballads from Mymensingh in Bangladesh. Shiblu and Aleya Begum take turns in singing, like exchanging dialogues where the modern urban folk lyrics finds answers from the traditional voices rooted in earthen Bangla folk ballad of Maimansingha Gitika.

The duality of the song is not limited to the lyrics alone, but goes on to the composition of the music too. The eclectic music producer Emon Chowdhury has left no stone unturned when it came to using Bangladeshi wind and stringed instruments for this song. Starting with the leaf-flute in the beginning to the grand orchestration of the Sarinda and Mymensingh Geetika chorus in the end, he has juxtaposed the Bangladeshi traditional sound of east with the modern instruments of the west. Creating a #realmagic musical where everything is in a conversation with one other.



Season produced & curated by Shayan Chowdhury Arnob
Music Composed and Produced by Emon Chowdhury
Dekha Na Dile Written by Hashim Mahmod
Baro Mashe Baro Ful Re Collected by Mymensingh Geetika
Mixed and Mastered by Shafiq (M Records Studios)


Arfan Mredha Shiblu: Vocals
Aleya Begum: Vocals
Emon Chowdhury: Sitar & Mandolin
Mithun Chakra: Drums & Percussion (Rhythm Arrangement)
Geet Team: Sumi Sarker, Safiya, Asma Sarkar, Lata Dewan, Shanaj Sarkar
Choir: Antora Mondal, Momo, Claris
Sumon: Flute
Golam Rabbani: Patar Bashi
Xonex: Piano/keys
Resalat Rasheed: Bass
Shuvro: Electric Guitar
Tomal: Acoustic Guitar
Bashi Mohan: Dholki
Avijit Chakraborty: Dholok
Kasem: Dhak
Sajol, Akash: Dhol
Shibu: Dogor
Raju: Mandira
Roop Kumar: Duggi
Shujon Dewan, Afsana Akter, Polash Dewan, Innema Roshni: Violin
Tanvir Tori: Cello
Shounak Debnath Wreek: Sarangi
Delowar, Sohrab Hosen, Manik, Roshid, Porosh: Sarinda


Creative Producer: Syed Gousul Alam Shaon
Project Lead: Jihad Bin Tahzeeb
Creative Lead: Mehedi Hasan Ansari & Jaiyyanul Huq
Strategy Lead: Bitop Das Gupta
Art Lead: Ahsan Ullah
Project Supervisor: Martuza Jalal Antick
Art Supervisor: Mijan Islam
Servicing & Digital: Farsina Rahman
Art: Alefun Naher, Al Nasir
Copywriter: Kazuki Kunimoto
Planning: Naimul Hoque, Nakibur Rahman

Live Audio Engineer: Zakir Hussain
Recording Engineer: Victor Tiash Das
Monitor & System Engineer: Shafayat Faisal Nahid
Assistant: Jamal Hossain, Atikul islam
Recording Assistant: Ifte Khairul Alam (Shuvo)
Head of Audio: Faizan Rashid Ahmad (Buno)
Voiceover: Armeen Musa
M Records & NoiZEMiNE Team:
Record Producer and Development: Farzana Ieasmin
Audio Production Management: Sujon Dev Nath
Musician Sourcing and Research: Shahidul Manik
Recordist: Sumon, Xonex, Shofiq

Project Coordinator & Co-Producer: Shamsur Rahman Alvi
Artist Manager: Amit Pramanik
Background research: Gowtam K Shuvo
Copyright Co-ordination: Zooel Morshed (ZM Studio)


Director: Krishnendu Chattopadhyay
Director of Photography: Kamrul H. Khosru
Co-Producer: Rumel Chowdhury
Assistant Producer: Shibbir Ahmed Shawon
Line Producer: Sobahan Naim
Asst. Line Producer: Zannatul Zaman Eshi, Tamjid Tonmoy
Cinematographers: Ishtiaque Hossain Pablo, Abdul Mamun, Shohag Chowdhury, Tanveer Ahmed Shovon, Anik Rahman
Team Co-ordinator: Qazi Rahat
Chief Assistant Director: Azmery Kowsser Tushi
Assistant Directors: Will Hridoy, Tawfiq Taaseen
Set Designer: Shadab Zafar
Art Director: Shihab Nurun Nabi
On Set Art Director: MD Fajle Rabby, MD Saiful Islam
Artist Appearance Team (Costume, Styling, Hair & Makeup): Nuzhat Khan, Didarul Dipu, Nusrat Srabony)
Artist Co-ordinator: Troyee Islam, P. Joana
Light Designer: Shailesh Kalwar, Ridwan Ahmed
Editor: Sazal Alok
Asst. Editor: Abu Ihsan Rafi
Grade: Vayshak Shiva
Post-production Supervisor: Nazmul Ibne Azam
Online Switching Team: Sharafat Prithu, Drohi R, Sinjoy Saha. (Ecube Inc.) & Rudro Tahsinn
Event team: Communicators

MV (Shiblu): Rise
MV (Aleya): Sumaya Khan Couture
Modern Choir: Mukta
HouseBand: KlubHaus
Makeover: Makeover finesse by Farhana Chaity

CGI: Studio Titok (Asm Kawsar, A.K. Azad Nobel, Md. Shahenur Alam, Rafayat Hossain Rezvy, Md. Al-Amin)

TV Media Partner: Deepto Television (Kazi Media Limited)
Telco Partner: Grameenphone
Audio Streaming Partner: Spotify
Digital Distribution partner: Qinetic Music

Subtitle: Srabanti Datta
Subtitler: Anupam Ghagra
Photographer: Zia Uddin, Raw Xposure

Coke Studio Bangla
2 Views · 7 hours ago

#maloma embodies the realisation that life is a journey where the inevitability of adulting and nostalgia work as two sides of a coin. As we grow up, there comes a time echoing the question: "What am I doing here?" But within this very questioning lies the potential for a beautiful transformation, a self-acceptance that allows us to bloom even in the most demanding seasons. This folk fusion song serves as a conversation acknowledging this inevitable shift, using the metaphor of a broken boat symbolising life and a river symbolising the world.
In addition, the song is infused with ‘Chaad Petano Gaan’ (Roofing Music by Masons), a form of ’Shaari Gaan’ (Music of the Boatmen and other worker groups) from the folk genre tracing back to the Mughal Era. An urban version of this was found among building masons around the 80s and 90s, who migrated to cities for livelihood and sang these verses while working to construct concrete roofs. The beats of the paddles, combined with the verses, break monotony, and create a festive atmosphere around their hard work.
Pritom takes up the song, infusing his twist, alongside the duo from the Dewan family: Shagor Dewan and Arif Dewan, whose ancestor is the original writer of the song Ma Lo Ma Jhi Lo Jhi. Rapper Aly Hasan joins in and conveys his optimistic perception to create this #realmagic. Together, it becomes a timeless tale of growth, adulthood, and the eternal quest for meaning in an ever-changing world.

#cokestudiobangla #banglamusic

Listen on Spotify:

Curated & Produced by Shayan Chowdhury Arnob
Music Composed, Arranged & Produced by @PritomHasan
Ma Lo Ma Written by Md. Khalek Dewan (Another version of the song was penned by Baul Rashid Uddin, named Ma Go Ma) -
Rap Written by Aly Hasan
Kalir Noyon Jole collected folk song
Chief Sound Engineer: Faizan R Ahmad (Buno)
Mixed & Mastered by Pritom Hasan


Pritom Hasan: Station, Guitar
Shorfuddin Dewan (Sagor): Vocal
Md. Arif Dewan: Vocal, Violin
Aly Hasan: Rap
Chad Petano Team: Sanda Rani Sarker, Md. Sokir Sheikh, Asa Rani, Sima Rani Kormoker, Padma Rani Sarker, Mukti Rani Sarker
Jannatul Firdous Akbar: Vocal
Shanta Islam: Vocal
Samsan Rayna Ahmed: Vocal
Md. Jalal Ahammad: Flute
Pradyut Chatterjea: Keys
Nafius Salam Yani: Guitar
Jargon: Pad
Mithun Das: Percussion
Foysal Ahammed Tanim: Bass
Shantanu: Hermonium
Md. Razib: Ektara
Md. Nazrul Islam: Dhol


Creative Producer: Syed Gousul Alam Shaon
Project Lead: Jihad Bin Tahzeeb
Creative Lead: Jaiyyanul Huq, Mehedi Hasan Ansari
Project Supervisor: Martuza Jalal Antick
Art Supervisor: Mijan Islam
Assistant Project Supervisor: Farsina Rahman
Servicing: Tasnim Farhan
Art: Al Nasir, Sudipta Das, Nazim Ahmed, Akib Shahrear
Copywriting: Farah Zerin Binti
Strategy & Planning: Rebecca Ali, Ayon Roy


Audio Logistics: Blues Communication
Live Audio Engineer: Zakir Hossain
Recording Engineer (Live): Victor Tiash Das
Recording Engineer (Kolorob Studio): Ifte Khairul Alam (Shuvo)
Monitor & System Engineer: Shafayat Faisal Nahid
Assistant: Jahirul Islam, Shohag Choudhury
Head of Audio: Faizan R Ahmad (Buno)
Voiceover: Armeen Musa


Project Coordinator & Co-Producer: Shamsur Rahman Alvi
Artist Manager: Hasanuzzaman Dihan, Mohammad Amzad, Sairaz Mahedi Rinku, Troyee Islam
Background research: Gowtam K Shuvo
Copyright Co-ordination: ZooeL Morshed


Director: Adnan Al Rajeev
Co- Producer: Md. Habibur Rahman Tareq
Creative Producer: Kamrul H Khosru
Head of Design: Subrina Irine
Production Design Consultant: Umer Naeem Butt
Putul Naach Choreography: Snata Shahrin
Typography: Istela , Ishmam
Cinematographers: Kaka Tong, Abdul Mamun, Saddat Hossain
Line Producer: Shaheen Ahmed, Nikita Ahamed
Assistant: Asad Ripon
Office- in Charge: Tausif-Ul Alam Zulfiquer
Chief Assistant Director: Miraj Hossain
Assistant Director: Snigdho Shariar, Christopher Scorsese, Rezwadud Mahin, Abrar Asif, Monjuri Biswas Tiklu
Artist Management: Sheikh Rasel
Art Director: Shahidul Islam
Assistant: Tarek Mazbah, Mrinal Hazra, Shimul Ahmed
Set Designer 3D: Shuvro Dev Choudhury
Set Maker: Khorshed Alom
Gaffer: Iqbal Hossain, Md. Jaman
Focus Puller: Md. Azgor Ali, Rony khan, Taijul Ahmed
Ronin: Abir Jb
Editor: Prodip Bepari
Post Supervisor: Abul Hasan Ashraf Ali, Mainul Hasan Hridoy
CG Artist: Reaz Mohammad, Wali Hasan
Spot Edit: Rana Shikder
Grading Studio: The Post Brothers
Colorist: Ercan Kucuk


Costume Designer: Aniqa zaheen
Assistant Costume Designer: Mimilha Chowdhury
Wardrobe Manager: Saddam Hossain, Kamal Hossain, Md Emon
Aly Hasan Jacket: Kahlo Khan
Makeup: Tarek Ahmed & his team

*TV Media Partner: Deepto Television (Kazi Media Limited)*
*Digital Distribution partner: Qinetic Music*
*Entertainment Partner: TikTok*

Subtitle: Srabanti Datta
Photographer: Joyeeta Trisha, Raw Xposure

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