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In this episode of Gopal Bhar, we will get know about an uncertain demand by the Nawab. He has asked Raja Krishnachandra to sent a man from his royal court for his service. However, Gopal was given the responsibility for meeting the demands of Nawab! Want to know more? Find out all here!
Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal , Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali
#gopalbharfunnyclips #sonyaath #doublegopalbhar
About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.
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যেমন বলবেন হুজুর | Gopal Bhar (Bengali) | Double Gopal
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Using the premise that every man utters the truth on his deathbed, Faisal Seikh is arrested as the suspect in Chirang's death. While everyone took that piece of information as undisputed evidence in establishing that Faisal is the culprit, Pathak's unique way of thinking opens the doors to some unexplored sides of the case.
Show Name: Adaalat
Episode: 84
Cast: Ronit Roy , Anand Goradia , Romit Raj
Directed By : Udayan Pradeep , Suleman Quadri , Rajesh Ranshing , Pawan Kaul
Produced By : Abhimanyu Singh , Rupali Singh
#kdpathak #crime #adaalat #ronitroy #আদালত
About Adaalat (Bengali):
Adaalat is a courtroom drama series that chronicles the journey of KD Pathak, a defense attorney, as he solves one case after the other with his sheer brilliance. When all else fails, only the eloquence and downright genius investigative skills of KD Pathak can deliver justice to the innocents. KD Pathak has never lost a case and never has he let an innocent be convicted of a crime. Though many prosecutors come close to cracking KD Pathak's code, it's the charismatic KD, who prevails in the end.
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Adaalat | আদালত | Ep 84 | 1 Mar 2025 | Full Episode
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The wicked Prince is planning a trick that he wants to play on the Maharaja. He wants to play the Maharaja in his own palace and take over his province. Puchke is down with a fever and his mom is trying his best for the past 2 days for his fever to go down, but it doesn't. Not being able to bear the sight, his elder sister runs to Gopal and tells him to help them out! How can Gopal help them?
Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal, Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali
#gopalbhar #গোপালভাঁড় #funtimewithgopal
About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.
Click to watch all the episodes of Fun Time With Gopal -
ডোলর কান্দল | Fun Time With Gopal | Gopal Bhar
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In this episode of Gopal Bhar, we will get to know that Senapati was provided with the responsibility to trap the tiger which has entered the village. However, the Senapati got scared while searching the tiger and came back to the palace thinking that he is putting his life at stake! Want to know what excuses he made in front of Raja Krishnachandra? What will Raja Krishnachandra do now? Find out all here!
Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal , Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali
#gopalbharfunnyclips #sonyaath #doublegopalbhar
About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.
Click to watch all the episodes of Gopal Bhar -
বাঘের মুখো মুখি সেনাপতি-২ | Gopal Bhar (Bengali) | Double Gopal
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Using the premise that every man utters the truth on his deathbed, Faisal Seikh is arrested as the suspect in Chirang's death. While everyone took that piece of information as undisputed evidence in establishing that Faisal is the culprit, Pathak's unique way of thinking opens the doors to some unexplored sides of the case.
Show Name: Adaalat
Episode: 85
Cast: Ronit Roy , Anand Goradia , Romit Raj
Directed By : Udayan Pradeep , Suleman Quadri , Rajesh Ranshing , Pawan Kaul
Produced By : Abhimanyu Singh , Rupali Singh
#kdpathak #crime #adaalat #ronitroy #আদালত
About Adaalat (Bengali):
Adaalat is a courtroom drama series that chronicles the journey of KD Pathak, a defense attorney, as he solves one case after the other with his sheer brilliance. When all else fails, only the eloquence and downright genius investigative skills of KD Pathak can deliver justice to the innocents. KD Pathak has never lost a case and never has he let an innocent be convicted of a crime. Though many prosecutors come close to cracking KD Pathak's code, it's the charismatic KD, who prevails in the end.
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Adaalat | আদালত | Ep 85 | 2 Mar 2025 | Full Episode
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Episode 170 - গুলতেমামার ভদ্রলোক
গুল্টেমামা শুনলো পাড়ার গজেনবাবু খুব অসুস্থ। তার একমাত্র মেয়ে টুংকুবালা। গজেনবাবুর অসুস্থতার কথা শুনেই গুল্টেমামার মনটা খারাপ হয়ে গেলো। কিন্তু এই মন খারাপ গজেনবাবুর জন্য না, বরং তার মেয়ে টুংকুবালার জন্য। গজেনবাবু মারা গেলে তার মেয়ের কী হবে? গজেনবাবু ভেবেছিলেন, মেয়ের বিয়ে দেবেন এক ভদ্রলোক ছেলের সঙ্গে। সঙ্গে সঙ্গে গুল্টেমামা 'কচুরিপানা' ফুল নিয়ে ছুটলেন গজেনবাবুর বাড়ি। গজেনবাবুর কাছে প্রস্তাব দিলেন টুংকুবালাকে বিয়ে করবেন। গজেনবাবু কি রাজি হবেন?
Gultemama heard that Gajenbabu of the neighborhood is very sick. His only daughter is Tunkubala. Hearing about Gajenbabu's illness, Gultemama felt sad. But this sadness was not for Gajenbabu, but for his daughter Tunkubala. What would happen to his daughter if Gajenbabu died? Gajenbabu thought that he would marry his daughter to a gentleman. Immediately, Gultemama ran to Gajenbabu's house with 'Kachuripana' flowers. He proposed to Gajenbabu to marry Tunkubala. Will Gajenbabu agree?
Show Name – Gulte Mama
Episode No – 170
About Gulte Mama:
In Galadpur, a small town in West Bengal, lives the 40-year-old Gulte Mama, who loves to talk and gossip all day with his friends Ghoton, Bhendi and Panchu. With his tricks usually backfiring, Gulte Mama often finds himself at loggerheads with the school headmaster Natu Babu.
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• Gulte Mama | Full Episodes
গুলতেমামার ভদ্রলোক | Gentleman | Ep 170 | Gulte Mama
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The King and the Queen are talking to each other in their garden. The king shares his view regarding his minister and Gopal being a nemesis to each other. The Queen suggests the king, to give both them a task which would require them to take help from each other.
Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal, Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali
#gopalbhar #গোপালভাঁড় #funtimewithgopal
About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.
Click to watch all the episodes of Fun Time With Gopal -
মাহারানী-র পরামর্শ | Fun Time With Gopal | Gopal Bhar
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Gopal narrates the story of a spooky encounter with a ghost.
Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By: Sourav Mondal, Hansa Mondal
Written By: Hansa Mondal
Original language: Bengali
Episode No: 1132
#gopalbhar #sonyaath #গোপালভর
About Gopal Bhar:
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him as a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.
Click to watch all the episodes of Gopal Bhar -
গল্পের ভূত বাড়িতে | Gopal Bhar | Episode - 1132