New Eid Natok 2023 | Khot-খোট | Musfiq R. Farhan | Keya Payel | Mehedi Hassan Hridoy | Sarker Media
মুশফিক আর ফারহান এর নতুন নতুন নাটক সবার আগে দেখতে এখনই সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন |
অপেক্ষার অবসান ঘটিয়ে বহুল প্রতীক্ষিত "খোট " সম্পূর্ণ নাটকটি চলে আসলো সরকার মিডিয়া (Sarker Media) ইউটিবে চ্যানেল এ |
Our Eid Ul Fitr Special Bangla Drama Fiction " Khot " by versatile director Mehedi Hassan Hridoy
Sarker Media is Proudly Publishing the most awaited Action, Suspense and Thriller fiction Khot Full Drama only on Sarker Media You Tube Channel
Eid Natok- Khot-খোট
Story, Screenplay and Direction: Mehedi Hasan Hridoy
Musfiq R Farhan , Keya Payel , Zillur Rahman, Aminul Haque Helal, Mo Mo Morshed,Mahmud Emon, Rawshan Alam (Rayhan),Ahsan Habib Ankon,
Kuntol, Adam, Anwar, Babul, Badsha, Ferdous, Liaquat, Sohail, Ayesha
And many more...
Director Of Photography
Golam Mawla Nabir
MD. Sajib
Camera Cheif
Sojib Khan
Camera assistant
Mahin Ahmed
Simon Hossain
Siam Ahmed
Camera House
Blings multimedia Uttara House
Art Director: Najiree Sagor
Art Assistant
Saddam Ahmed
Rakib Hasan
SK Shamim Khan
Still Photography:
Hridoy Ahmed
Makeup Assistant
Jahan Shorif
Production manager: Romjan
Production Assistant
First Edit
Md. Sajib
Edit and Colour
Saddam Bin Yeasin
A P Shuvo
Technical Support
Red Light Films
Afifa Mohsina Oroni
Assistant Director
Nasir Khan
Shohan Rahman Shohan
Shahriar uddin Sifat
Creative director
Zillur Rahman
Cheif Assistant Director
Naim Hossain Sangram
Associate director:
Mithoun Hossain
Afifa Mohsina oroni
this new thriller fiction named Khot-খোট is based on current affairs in Bangladesh Specially in rural areas . Innocent people are trapped to loose their money in so many different ways. Director Hridoy depicted each incident in realistic way that people who have been cheated can relate to their story. Now once again Mr Musfiq R. Farhan came out even stronger than ever before with this unique role assigned to him. As he loves to play challenging role always up for new things and open minded , he performed that negative character of a fraud gang leader . In critics and audience's opinion he would have played one of the best role in 2023 . Eventhough, earlier this year Konjush was of the greatest hits in Bangladeshi natok media industry but in Khot it was really surprising , something very different than typical hero. There are lots of turns and twist. Its show time. Lets watch and come back for review.
বর্তমান সমাজের বাস্তব চিত্র নিয়ে এতো সুন্দর নাটক উপহার দেওয়ার জন্য ধন্যবাদ নির্মাতা কে
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