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2 Views · 6 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Oboseshe Tumi Ami (অবশেষে তুমি আমি)
Story : Adif Hasan
Dialogue: Akash Pau
Starring : Shagor Mirza, Riya Chowdhury, Mafuzur Rashid, Shashi Afroz, Nishu, Nobin Hasan, and many more.
Cinematographer : Hasan Jewel
Edit & Color : Shakib Mirza
Direction : Adif Hasan
Background Music : Anirudh Shuvo

#riyachowdhurynatok thanks for watching!!!

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Md Kamrul Hasan
2 Views · 3 hours ago

[2025] MEJOR PELICULAS DE ACCION | Jackie Chan, John Cena | Peliculas Completas en Español Latino HD

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Md Kamrul Hasan
2 Views · 3 hours ago

MISSION PAKISTAN (2025) Akshay Kumar New Action Movie| 2025 Full Action New Release Blockbuster Film

2 Views · 6 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Hoyni Bola (হয়নি বলা)
Starring : Ziaul Faruq Apurba, Sharlin Farzana, Anondo Khaled, Rimi Karim, Shikha Khan & many more.
Cinematographer : Biswajit Dutta
Screenplay & Direction : Mizanur Rahman Ariyan
Edit & Color : Jobayer Abir Pial
Background Music : Tahsin Ahmed


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Md Kamrul Hasan
2 Views · 2 hours ago

Hey guyz...this is one of my most favourite songs...hope u like it....if u like this song then like,share,comment and SUBSCRIBE my channel for more videos...thank you...😊😊

song - pagol mon
singer - Mithun Saha
hindi lyrics - Mithun saha
music - Rohan Chakraborty
mixing mastering - Mithun Saha
D.O.P - Mithun Saha

For booking shows
Call - 7812075156

follow me on facebook -

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Mithun saha official fan club

original credit -
song - pagol mon
singer - Dilruba Khan

Hindi lyrics -
aja mere bahon mai tu
karlu thoda pyaar...
tere bina ji nahi lagda
o mere yaar...2

meri jaan re

q itna tu tarpaye...
o meri jaan jaan re
aja ab lot k aja re...2

thnks for watching 🙏🙏

2 Views · 2 hours ago

Watch the #tamilmoviebangla 2024 "#kotigobba2 (একাই একশ) | #ekaieksho ". directed by K. S. Ravikumar, starring Sudeep Sanjeev, Prakash Raj, Nithya Menen and many more.

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2 Views · 2 hours ago

Watch the of Bongo original Bangla New Natok 2024 'Abar Amra Eksathe | আবার আমরা একসাথে' Starring Shashwta Datta, Parsa Evana, Mili Bashar & Abdullah Rana. Watch more Bangla new drama on Bongo! Visit:

Director: Arman Rahman Prottoy
Scriptwriter: Shahajada Shahed
Lead Cast: Shashwta Datta & Parsa Evana
Supporting Cast: Mili Bashar & Abdullah Rana
DOP: Khan Nayem
Editor: Shorif Ahmed
Executive Producer: Sufian Raihan

Producer: Khaled Sajeeb

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2 Views · 6 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Hredoy Gohine (হৃদয় গহীনে)
Story & Screenplay : Lutfor Rahman Rasel
Starring : Tawsif Mahbub, Tanjin Tisha, Nurul Islam, Imran Ikram, Shafrina Khatun & many more.
Crematogapher : Sani & Borno
Direction : Borno Chakroborty
Photography : Rubayed Hasan Rony & Prottoy
Edit & colour : Borno Chakroborty


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2 Views · 2 hours ago

Watch the superhit new Tamil movie Bangla dubbed 2024 "#hellogurupremakosame | #প্রেম_করেছি_করবই_তো (Prem Korechi Korboi Toh)" directed by Trinadha Rao Nakkina and starring #rampothineni #prakashraj #pranithasubhash #anupamaparameswaran and many more.

Enjoy more exciting Movie, Drama and Original in one place, Bongo! Visit:

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2 Views · 2 hours ago

🎥 Watch the New Tamil Movie Bangla Dubbed 2024 "MLA (এমএলএ)" – A 2024 superhit South Indian blockbuster cinema starring Kalyan Ram, Kajal Aggarwal, Ravi Kishan, Jayaprakash Reddy, and comedy legends like Brahmanandam and Posani Krishna Murali!

✨ Directed by Upendra Madhav, this film is packed with action, drama, and comedy, making it a perfect entertainer for movie lovers.

🔥 Don’t miss out on this amazing South Indian hit in Bangla! Like, Share, and Subscribe for more blockbuster movies!

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2 Views · 2 hours ago

Taptap Send presents the Bongo original Bangla new natok 2025 #gyanigoni (জ্ঞানী গনি) , starring #sarafahmedzibon #sallhakhanamnadia Adiath Zaman Ayan, Anwar Shahi, Saroar Mim, Shahadat Sisir, Mahmud Alam, Nazmul Haque, and more! Get ready for an entertaining story filled with laughter and drama.

জ্ঞান দিয়েই কি সব সমস্যার সমাধান হয়ে যাবে? নাকি সবকিছু ওলটপালট হয়ে যাবে? গনির গল্পে মিলবে উত্তর। জানতে হলে দেখতে হবে নাটক "জ্ঞানী গনি" , শুধুমাত্র Bongo ইউটিউব-এ।

Enjoy more exciting Movie, Drama and Original in one place, Bongo! Visit:

গণি, পেশায় একজন অটো মেকানিক। গ্রামের সবাই তার বুদ্ধি ও যুক্তির প্রশংসায় পঞ্চমুখ। কিন্তু হঠাৎ সে তার স্ত্রীকে জীবনের বাস্তবতা শেখাতে এক অভিনব কৌশল অবলম্বন করে। কি কৌশল নিয়েছে গণি?

Goni, a village auto mechanic, is known far and wide for his wisdom and logical thinking. But suddenly, he decides to teach his wife a harsh lesson about life's realities using a rather unconventional method. What exactly did Goni do?

Directed by: Emran Emon
Story & Screenplay: Shahajada Shahed

Cinematography: Shafiqul Alam Shanat
Editing & Color: Saiduzzaman Sohel
Background Music: Rokib Hasan
Assistant Directors:
Chief AD: Murtaza Mamun
AD: Lipon Islam Surzo
Apprentice AD: Ahnaf Tahmid Aurnob
Still Photographer: Sizu Shahriar
Line Producer: Sikder Diamond
Art Direction: Team Cinetile Productions
Make-up: Nabab Makeover
Operations: Farhana Ali, Md. Sazzad Hosen (Titas), Golam Istiak
Executive Producers: Sufian Raihan
Chief Marketing Officer: Joon Park
Head of Content: Mohammad Ali Haider
Chief Content Officer: Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu

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#জ্ঞানী_গনি #anwarshahi #saroarmim #shahadatsisir #zibon #zibonnatok #zibonnewnatok #nadianatok #nadianewnatok #gyanigonifullnatok #gyanigonifulldrama #zibon #zibonnatok #nadianatok #zibonernatok #zibonnewnatok

2 Views · 2 hours ago

Watch the Full Movie 'Puff Daddy' on bongo, visit:
Presenting of Bongo Original Bangla new movie 2024, "#puffdaddy (মুড়িবাবা)"! Directed by Shahid Un Nabi & Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu, starring #porimoni, #shajalnoor, Azad Abul Kalam and more.

Movie Title: Puff Daddy (মুড়িবাবা)
Story: Mehedi Hasan
Directed by: Shahid Un Nabi & Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu
Produced by: BONGO & V3 communications Ltd.

Main Cast: Azad Abul Kalam, Shajal Noor, Porimoni, Faruk Ahmed, Intekhab Dinar, Bijori Barkatullah, Shahiduzzaman Selim and Yusuf Rasel.
Story Supervision: Mushfiqur Rahman Manzu, Zahid Ahmed
Line Producer: Sazzad Hossain Titas & Yeassir Arafat
Post Production Manager: Anup Kumar Biswas
Director of Photography (DOP): Ridoy Sarkar
Editors: Russel Panna & Saddam Bin Yeasin
Music: Avraal Sahir
Colorist: HM Sohel
Hair Styler: Rakhi
Make-up Artist: Al Emran
Set Designer: Anusha Simran
Co-ordinator: Shafiquzzaman Dipok
Executive Producer: Mohammad Ali Haider
Publicity Design: Sajjadul Islam Sayeem (YFVFX) & NAX Nish (NISH G’FIX)

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Bongo is your ultimate entertainment destination! Discover a vast collection of the latest and most popular movies, TV shows, dramas, and more, all conveniently available at your fingertips. Stream and enjoy unlimited content in high-definition from any device, be it your smartphone, tablet, or smart TV. With Bongo BD, you can immerse yourself in a world of entertainment, curated to cater to all tastes and preferences. Join our ever-growing community of entertainment enthusiasts and indulge in seamless, buffer-free streaming, ensuring an unparalleled viewing experience. Start your Bongo BD journey today and unlock a universe of captivating entertainment like never before!

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3 Views · 14 days ago

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The King and the Queen are talking to each other in their garden. The king shares his view regarding his minister and Gopal being a nemesis to each other. The Queen suggests the king, to give both them a task which would require them to take help from each other.

Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By : Sourav Mondal, Hansa Mondal
Written By : Hansa Mondal
Original language : Bengali

#gopalbhar #গোপালভাঁড় #funtimewithgopal

About the show
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous, and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.

Click to watch all the episodes of Fun Time With Gopal -

মাহারানী-র পরামর্শ | Fun Time With Gopal | Gopal Bhar

2 Views · 2 hours ago

Watch the new Tamil movie Bangla dubbed 2025 'Adithya Varma | আদিত্য ভার্মা' starring by Dhruv Vikram & Banita Sandhu in the lead role. This south Indian cinema directed by Gireesaaya.

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When the love of his life is compelled to wed another, a gifted yet volatile young surgeon spirals into self-destruction. His brilliance in the operating room is matched only by the chaos of his personal life.

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2 Views · 2 hours ago

Watch the new Tamil Bangla movie Bangla dubbed 2025 'Amigos - Doppel Dot Com | অ্যামিগোস - ডপল ডট কম' , starring by Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Ashika Ranganath. This south Indian cinema directed by Rajendra Reddy.

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তিনজন প্রায় একই চেহারার মানুষ, একটি অনলাইন অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে পরিচয়। সেখান থেকে গড়ে ওঠে বন্ধুত্ব। এদের মধ্যে একজন ওয়ান্টেড ক্রিমিনাল। কে সে? একে অপরের পরিচয় জানলে কি হবে তখন?

Three men, virtually indistinguishable, form a close bond after connecting through an online app designed to match people with their doppelgangers. Their friendship takes a dark turn when one of them is revealed to be a wanted criminal.

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Md Kamrul Hasan
2 Views · 6 days ago

Agent 2 " Ram Charan New Movie 2025 Released Full Hindi Dubbed Action Movie | South Movies 2025

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1 Views · 6 hours ago

Uflix Entertainment Presents :
Full HD Bangla Natok.

🎬 Bangla Natok : Prashchitto (প্রায়শ্চিত্ত)
Starring : Shamim Hasan Sarkar, Tasnia Farin, Sohel Khan, Sikha Mou, Nadim, Titu, Aminul & many more.
Script & Screenplay : Ishtiak Ahmed Rumel
Cinematographer : Imdad Imran
Direction : Ishtiak Ahmed Rumel
Edit & Color : Onu


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Coke Studio Bangla
1 Views · 50 minutes ago

Craze is #RealMagic

#bhoberpagol is the craze that is in all of us. The craze that sets us apart, sometimes they may be dubbed as the odd ones, but it is the uncommon and the outrageous dreams of our lives that makes this world truly magical. The Bhober Pagol in each of us, is the "MAGIC" in us.

The song ‘Pagol Chara Duniya Chole Na’ is collected from Bengali folk music and popularized by Lalon Band. The rap in the second part of the song is an original piece written by the Jalali Set and Mehedi Hasan Ansari describing the frenzied drive of humanity.

#cokestudiobangla curated & Produced by Shayan Chowdhury Arnob
Music composed and arranged by Shayan Chowdhury Arnob & Faizan Rashid Ahmad (Buno)

‘Pagol chara duniya chole na’ is collected from Bengali folk music
Jalali Rap written by Jalali Set
Shobai Pagol Rap written by K.M. Mehedi Hasan Ansari

Chief Sound Engineer: Faizan Rashid Ahmad (Buno)
Mixed & Mastered by Yash Divecha

Nigar Sultana Sumi - Vocals
Jalali Set- Vocals
Jalali Shafayat
Double S
Warda Ashraf- Vocals
Armeen Musa- Vocals
Jannatul Firdous Akbar- Vocals
Saadul Islam – Guitar
Imran Ahmed - Guitar
Shuvendu Das Shuvo - Guitar
Resalat Rasheed (Dhrubo) – Bass Guitar
Rahin Haider -Tenor Saxophone
Sayonton Mangsang - Alto Saxophone
Towfiq Arifin - Drums
Mithun Chakra – Percussions/ Tabla
Pradyut Chatterjea - Electric Piano/ Ektara
Shayan Chowdhury Arnob – Sub Synth/ Ektara
Adit Rahman - Keys/ Ektara


Creative Producer: Syed Gousul Alam Shaon
Project Lead: Jihad Bin Tahzeeb
Creative Lead: Mehedi Hasan Ansari & Jaiyyanul Huq
Strategy Lead: Bitop Das Gupta
Art Lead: Ahsan Ullah
Servicing: Martuza Jalal Antick, Tahania Islam Oshin
Art: Mijan Islam, Alefun Naher
Copywriter: Kazuki Kunimoto
Digital: Farsina Rahman, Naimul Hoque
Planning: Nakibur Rahman


Head of Audio: Faizan Rashid Ahmad (Buno)
Recording Engineer: Victor Das
Live Audio Engineer: Iftekhairul Alam Shuvo
Monitor & System Engineer: Shafayat Faisal (Nahid)
Audio Logistics by Blues Production
Voiceover: Armeen Musa

Project Coordinator & Co-Producer: Shamsur Rahman Alvy
Artist Manager: Mohammad Amzad
Artist Coordinator: Amit Pramanik

Creative Resource Consultant: Aniruddha Dasgupta, Anindya Sain


Director: Krishnendu Chattopadhyay
Consultant Director: Nishant Nayak
Director Of Photography: Kamrul H. Khosru
Associate Director: Qazi Rahat
Co-Producer: Rumel Chowdhury
Visual Executive Producer: Shawon Shibbir
Line Producer: Sobahan Naim

T. W. Sainik
Khair Khandakar
Abdul Mamun
Russell Parvez
Kawser Hamid

Hasib Shahrear
Azmery Kowsser Tushi
Aporajita Mustafa
Nazmul Ibne Azam
Will Hridoy
Rafia Mahjabeen Bushra
Zannatul Zaman Eshi
Asad Borhan

Editor: Bashar Georgis
Grade : Navin Shetty
Post-production Supervisor: Nazmul Ibne Azam & Aporajita Mustafa
Online Switching Team: Sharafat Prithu & Drohi R. (Ecube Inc.)
Online Edit: Rana Shikder
Online: Nazmul Hassan Topu
Cg: Backlit Communications

Styling & Costume: Nuzhat Khan Disha
Asst. Costume & Styling: Nusrat Srabony
Makeover: Persona

Light Designer: Shailesh Kalwar
Associate Light Designer: Jayesh Thakur
Asst. Light Designer: Mohammed Redwan Tonmoy
Zib Arm Operator: Juwel
Light Gaffer: MD Ikbal Hossain
Focus Puller: Mohiuddin Khan Rony, Md. Anayet Kabir, Md. Ajgor Ali, Rony Bawn, Mostafizur Rahman, S.M. Boshir Uddin
Dop Assistant: Md. Nur Alom & Md. Sohag Ali

Set Designer: Varsha Jain
Art Director: Razim Ahmed
Asst. Set Designer: Nikhil Suratwala
Asst. Set Designer: Khalil Shaikh
Set Making & Construction: Khorshed Alam & Team
Asst. Art Director: Ashik Ali Jacky
Asst. Art Director: Nazmul Hoque Chowdhury Munna
Prop Master: Abdul Ohab

Location: Deepto Television (Kazi Media Limited)
Camera House: Timeline, Sandbag, Celebration, Dot Vision, World Media, Right Point
Zib Arm: Jazz Multimedia

Accounts Executive: Tanvir Rison
Office Assistant: Supel Chakma
Production Controller: Shahin Alam

Director: Ibrahim Shoikot
Editor: Md. Reza-E-Rabbe Khan
Videographer: Hamim Ishtiaq, Md. Mahedi Hasan

Subtitle: Rai Ganguly, Kazuki Kunimoto, Srabanti Datta
Subtitler: Anupam Ghagra (Siesta Subtitle Solution)

Copyright Co-ordination: Mizanur Rahaman

2 Views · 14 days ago

Click here to Subscribe to SONY AATH Channel:

Gopal narrates the story of a spooky encounter with a ghost.

Show Name: Gopal Bhar - গোপালভাঁড়
Directed By: Sourav Mondal, Hansa Mondal
Written By: Hansa Mondal
Original language: Bengali
Episode No: 1132

#gopalbhar #sonyaath #গোপালভর

About Gopal Bhar:
Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him as a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.

Click to watch all the episodes of Gopal Bhar -

গল্পের ভূত বাড়িতে | Gopal Bhar | Episode - 1132

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